Monday, February 19, 2007

Welcome to my blog!

Oh boy, I've finally joined the brave new world of blogging! One more way to waste time on the computer when I should be doing something productive, like say, working out. Or cleaning my home. And here I am creating my blog page while I watch a show on "E" about "the dangers of the internet." Oooh, spooky....

Anyhow, we'll see how often I end up posting here. I'm currently pretty busy, with a lot of changes happening in my life which I'll elaborate on soon. I'm hoping to start working out more regularly starting this week, as I hope to do a few triathlons this summer. I also am planning on doing the St. Patty's Day Dash, and the Tour de Cure bike ride. More details to be posted as I register & start fundraising.

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